Jo Caudron

Jo Caudron

Jo Caudron, digital pioneer since 1994, shares his rich experience as a digital entrepreneur and changemaker. Fascinated by the impact of digital and social change, his books take a look at technological and societal challenges, some of which are already a reality due to crises and geopolitical shifts. In The Formula of Accessibility, he addresses challenges, such as climate change and digital transformation, with a model for sustainable innovation and solutions to accessibility problems. His latest book, The Formula of the Future, serves as a guide for companies looking to enter the new world.

His mission is clear: inspire people with a message of change and optimism. On stages around the world, he shares his positive vision and passion for the future. Similarly, at the Future Generations Conference, he shares an optimistic vision of the future and essential strategies for companies looking to meet the challenges of the future.

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